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Clan Donald Mail Help - Setting Up Outlook Express

To setup Outlook Express to work with your mail account please follow these instructions. In the screenshots, just substitute for the generic

  1. Start Outlook Express and select the Tools menu. From here select ‘Accounts’


  2. In the window that appears press the ‘Add’ button and then select ‘Mail…’


  3. Enter your name as you would like it to appear to people who receive emails from you. Then click ‘Next’.


  4. Enter the email address that you want to use and that you have setup with Then click ‘Next’.


  5. Now you need to enter your incoming and outgoing servers. For the incoming server you should enter . For the outgoing mail server we have a server called ‘’ you should enter or you can use your current Internet Service Provider's outgoing mail server. Then click Next.


  6. To finish you need to enter your username (which is your full email address) and password for your mail account. Once entered please click Next and then Finish.


  7. To allow you to send mail through our mail server you now need to make a small change to the properties of the account. Select ‘properties from the Accounts’ window:


  8. You need to click the tick-box that says ‘My server requires authentication’ and then click the ‘OK’ and ‘Close’.


  9. You can now send and receive emails!

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