Clan Donald Magazine No 9 (1981) Online
Activities of the Clan Donald Societies Worldwide.
Glenfinnan Highland Games.
These Games held near the historic spot where the Royal Standard of King James VIII was raised by his son Prince Charles Edward on 19th August 1745 will take place this year on Saturday 15th August and will be opened by this year's Chieftain, Air Commodore ARD MacDonell of Glengarry, CB, DFC, whose direct ancestor, Donald MacDonell, Yr. of Scotus served with the Prince and fell bravely while leading his men forward at Culloden.
The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh invited The Clan Donald Society, Glasgow, and the Clan Donald Lands Trust to share a tent at The Glenfinnan Games on 16th August 1980. This was the first time that Clan Donald or, indeed any clan, was officially represented at this event.
The Clan Donald Tent at the Glenfinnan Games
L. to R. Victor Evans (Edinburgh), Mrs Alan McDonald (Edinburgh Vice-�President), Angus MacDonald (Glasgow President), Miss Elizabeth I. MacDonald (Edinburgh), Mrs Victor Evans (Edinburgh), Mrs Florence D.C Macdonald
(Edinburgh. Hon. Treasurer), Mrs Margaret Munn (Glasgow), Mrs Angus MacDonald (Glasgow), Mrs Rob McD. Parker (CDLT), Miss Ella McConnell (Edinburgh), Rob McD. Parker (Int. Director, CDLT) and Norman H. MacDonald (Edinburgh, Hon. Secretary). Photo by Alan McDonald, Edinburgh President.
Clan Donald Society of Canada Toronto Branch Annual Gathering 1980.
members of the Toronto Branch at their Annual Dinner in November 1980 when a guest of honour was the President of the Clan Donald Society
(Glasgow), Angus
MacDonald (third left). Second left is Murdo
Macdonald, Past-President of the Toronto Branch and fourth left the
current President, John Macdonald, both the Toronto men being natives of the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.
Clan Donald South East USA Review 1979-1980
The following is a calendar of Scottish events from June, 1979 through June 1980, in which Clan Donald, South Eastern USA either were major participants or were the hosts:
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, Linville, N. Carolina, l4th-l5th July 1979.
These were the 24th annual games held on MacRae Meadows in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western N. Carolina. These games are the largest in the southeastern U.S.A. and may rival any in the world with attendance of about 60,000 people over the two day period. Some 400 of the Clan Donald helped swell the attendance.
Scottish Games and Highland Gathering, Charleston, S. Carolina, 15th September 1979.
The Charleston gathering was the 9th annual event, smaller than Grandfather Mountain and characterised by old plantation grace in the beautiful gardens of the historic Middleton Plantation. Clan Donald and Clan MacLeod have established a sort of tradition with their jointly sponsored ceilidh in downtown Charleston.
Flora MacDonald Highland Games, Red Springs, N. Carolina, 6th October 1979.
The fourth annual games were held in a forest girt, fifty acre, meadow near the small village of Red Springs. Nearby is the college formerly named after Flora MacDonald, hence the name of the games. Games guest of honour was James MacDonald Garner�Smith, Chieftain of Aird and Vallay and Clan Donald was out in force.
Stone Mountain Scottish Festival and Highland Games, Stone Mountain, Georgia, 20th-2lst October 1979.
The seventh annual gathering at Stone Mountain was held in lovely, warm fall weather, in contrast to the autumn chill which often greets the Caledonian faithful. With the luck of the draw the MacDonalds, MacAlisters, MacIntyres and MacLeods wound up in tent sites adjacent to one another in a very prominent part of field. The result was a very busy time for all in their respective registration activities.
Kirkin O' The Tartans, Miami, Florida, 25th November, 1979.
The Trinity Episcopal Cathedral on Miami's water front was the scene of a peculiarly American Scots ceremony. The kirking of the tartan purportedly originated in the St Andrews Society of Washington DC during World War II and has been perpetuated by American Scottish Societies since. In this case the ceremony was an integral part of the induction of a new member to the Order of the Saltire of St Andrew the Apostle, an order established by erstwhile Clan Donald Herald, Don Langford. Don bears the title of Chancellor of the Saltire and is to be credited for a solemn and beautiful new observance of our Scottish heritage.
Georgia Clan Donald Ceilidh, Rosewell, Georgia, 8th December 1979.
An annual affair, the Georgia Clan Donald Ceilidh was hosted on 8th December 1979 by Dan and Sally Yntema (MacAlister) at their home in Rosewell. The party honoured the birthday of the High Chief and was enjoyed by all.
Orlando Scottish Highland Games, Orlando, Florida, 19th January 1980.
The third annual Highland Games at Orlando were held on the grounds of Edgewater High School in absolutely perfect Florida winter weather. The guest of honour was Nestor J. MacDonald, Deputy High Commissioner of Clan Donald USA. Also in attendance was Ellice McDonald Jr., High Commissioner, Clan Donald U.S.A. With the commissioners of both region and state, with the staffs, in attendance along with numerous clansmen and women the Clan Donald was imposing.
Clan Donald Parade of the Tartan Orlando, Florida, USA, January 1980. L. to R. James A. McDonald, Commissioner Clan Donald SE, Richard H. Alexander, Deputy Commissioner Clan Donald Georgia, S. Jackson Conn, Convener, Clan Donald SE, Harold E. McDonald, Deputy Commissioner Clan Donald, N. Florida, John M. McDonald, Mrs James A. McDonald (Hester), Mrs Richard H. Alexander George J. Werner (Beaton).
North Carolina Clan Donald Ceilidh, Hickory, North Carolina, 9th February 1980.
Jim Pitman, Commissioner of Clan Donald, NC, and his wife Tanja hosted the third annual N. Carolina Ceilidh at the Timberwood Club House in Hickory. They were joined by clansmen from all points. James MacDonald Garner-Smith, Aird and Vallay, High Commissioner Ellice McDonald Jr., New York Convener Harry Mathews, Capt. John Mien of Norfolk, Virginia and Dr. Micheil MacDonald, Curator of the Museum of Scottish Tartans in Comrie, Perthshire, were among the notables present.
Dunedin Scottish Games and Festival, Dunedin, Florida, 27th-29th March 1980.
The fourteenth annual Dunedin games held on the grounds of Dunedin High School with evening shows on the 27th and 28th and the games proper on the 29th. These games are in the process of evolution from a show to raise money for the local Highlander Pipe Band to a full fledged gathering of clan societies, etc. The Clan Donald was represented; however, the turnout of clansmen was a bit disappointing.
Jacksonville Scottish Highland Games and Gathering of the Clans, Jacksonville, Florida, 12th April l980.
These games, in their fourth year, were held on the campus of the University of Jacksonville. The weather was beautiful and many clans were represented, including the Clan Donald. Registration of Clan Donald members was brisk throughout the day and our tent was, as is usually the case, overwhelmed by our visiting kin. An interesting note: there were two masters of ceremonies on the field, both were from the Clan Donald. Bob Barr, well known throughout the southeast as a games announcer, and Commander Gerry McDonald, USN Retired, shared the duties at the microphone.

Clan Donald Parade of the Tartan Jacksonville, Florida USA April 1980 L to R: James A McDonald, Commissioner Clan Donald SE S Jackson Conn, Convener Clan Donald SE, George I Werner (Beaton), Mrs HE McDonald (Louise) Harold E McDonald, Deputy Commissioner N Florida Mrs IA McDonald (Hester) Charles P McCall, Deputy Commissioner Clan Donald, Florida.
Savannah Scottish Games, Savannah, Georgia, 3rd May, 1980.
The third annual Savannah Scottish Games were held on the grounds of historic Fort Jackson overlooking the Savannah River. The fort is of brick, fully moated and incorporates early 19th Century French military architecture. Being right on the main ship channel it is possibly the only Scottish Gathering around which has piping accompanied by the dulcet toots of tug boats. It's a perfect setting for Games in the city with the largest area of historic preservation of any in our country. Over 100 local and out of town clan members were with us and as anyone who has ever visited this fair city will tell you, a great time was had by all.
Lt. Col. S. Jackson Conn. Convener, Clan Donald South-East
Clan Donald Growth in Victoria, Australia.
Bill McDonald of McCrae, Victoria, has been putting in a great deal of work during the past year organising branches, enrolling members and generally kindling enthusiasm for the Clan by such methods as press advertising and holding functions and meetings.
Acting at times almost single-handedly, Bill writes: "It is wonderful to report that I now have three branches, a steadily growing membership and such an enthusiastic committee Supporting me that the annual Highland Games in Victoria on 6th December 1981 are to be billed as 'The Year of Clan Donald'. It would be wonderful if one of our Chiefs could make it to declare the Games open."
Well Bill, all the Chiefs will be reading what you have written so why not write and ask them?
Clan Donald Society of New Zealand (Inc.)
The Clan Donald Society of New Zealand celebrated their twenty-first anniversary with a Dinner in the Scottish Memorial Hall, Invercargill, on 27th October 1979. The guest speaker was Mr Colin McDonald, Secretary of the Society at the time of its formation, who spoke on the formation and early years of the Society.
The Mayor and Mayoress of Invercargill and representatives of five other clan societies attended. The Mayor proposed the toast to Clan Donald.
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