Clan Donald Magazine No 6 (1975) Online
The Chiefs
MacDh�mhnaill: The Rt. Hon. Godfrey James Macdonald of Macdonald, Lord Macdonald and High Chief of Clan Donald. |
Representing Clann Iain Mhor: The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Antrim. |
MacDh�mhnaill nan Eilean: Sir Ian Godfrey Macdonald of Sleat, Bart. |
Mac 'Ic Ailein: Ranald Alexander Macdonald, Captain of Clanranald. |
Mac 'Ic Alasdair: Air Commodore Aeneas Ranald Donald MacDonell of Glengarry CB DFC RAF. |
The Societies
The Clan Donald Society of Glasgow (1889). President: Duncan Macdonald. Hon. Sec: Mrs. Robert Macdonald.
The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh (1891). President: Alan McDonald. Hon. Sec: Norman H. MacDonald FSA Scot.
The Clan Donald Society of Aberdeen (in abeyance). Enquiries to: Mrs Johnston.
The Clan Donald Society of London (in abeyance). Enquiries to: Mrs. C. Macdonald.
Clan Donald Society of Australia.
High Commissioner: A. Grahame MacDonald, Townville, South Queensland.
New South Wales Commissioner and Hon. President: Dr. Roderick Macdonald OBE. President: Ranald Macdonald, Randwick, New South Wales.
Western Australia Commissioner: Professor W.B. Macdonald, Perth, Western Australia. President: Dr. Atholl Frazer.
Tasmania President: Dr. J.B. Houston, Hobart, Tasmania. Hon. Sec: Charles J. MacDonald, North Hobart, Tasmania.
South Australia President: Rev. F.R.M. Macdonald, Kilkenny, South Australia.
Victoria President: Capt. Ian H. McDonald, Balaklava, Victoria.
Queensland (see High Commissioner above) Hon. Sec: R. A. Frederickson, Mackay, Queensland,who also acts for the Australian Headquarters Society.
Clan Donald Society of Canada.
The Clan Donald Council of Canada Chairman: Lt. Col. Gordon D. Leggett, Islington, Ontario. Sec: Mrs. W. J. McBride, Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Hon. Sec: Robert Macdonald, Don Mills, Ontario.
Grand River (Guelph) Chairman: Col. Colin C. MacDonald, Guelph, Ontario. President: James Alexander, Hespeler, Ontario.
St Lawrence-Rideau (Brockville, Kingston and Cardial area) This newly formed branch is thriving and we await full details of office bearers etc.
Clan Donald Society of New Zealand.
High Commissioner and President: W. P. McDonald, Queenstown. Hon. Sec: Mrs Mary Batt 185 West Street, Irvercargill, Southland.
Clan Donald USA.
High Commissioner: Robertson McDonald, Nashville, Tennessee. Deputy High Commissioners: Nestor J. McDonald, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Hon Sec: Kirkpatrick MacDonald, New York, New York.
Eastern US: W.N. McDonald III, Pelham Manor, New York.
Maryland & Delaware: Ellice McDonald Jr, Montchanin, Delaware.
Pennsylvania: W. Bruce McConnel Jr, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mid-West: Rev. Robert G. Carroon, Milwaukee, Wyoming.
Western US: Graeme K. MacDonald, Hillsborough, California.
South-East US: James A. McDonald, Savannah, Georgia.
Texas: Dr. A. P. McDonald, Houston, Texas.
Illinois: Marvin G. Ronaldson.
Michigan: Donald Macdonald Thurber, Detroit, Michigan.
Wisconsin: The Hon. Michael Sullivan, Bayside, Wisconsin.
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