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The Troublesome MacDonalds

Author Angus McDonald
Details 204 pages
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In this selective history by an American Clansman the author has attempted to cram as much MacDonald history as he can into some 204 pages of narrative - no easy task. He has written his history in the form of a story to be easily digested by all his readers and although written in an American idiom. With a Trans-Atlantic public in view, the book should also appeal to Clansmen and Highlanders throughout the world.

Carefully combining fact and tradition, the author at times becomes deliberately controversial. He boldly states what he considers to be the reasons for the decline of MacDonald influence and the rise of the Campbells in the West Highlands. Heroes, villains and prominent battles from the days of the mighty Somerled in the Middle Ages down to Flora MacDonald and the Forty-Five are dealt with at length.  (N.H.M.)

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