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Tales of the Morar Highlands

Author Alasdair Roberts
Details Paperback, Birlinn Publishers, 176 pp, Illustrated
ISBN 1841584428

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Written by respected local historian and member of the International Clan Donald Forum Alasdair Roberts with an introduction by Hugh Cheape.



Beyond Fort William, on the road to the Isles, lies Morar, the 'Highlands of the Highlands' and centre of the 'Rough Bounds', that wild, desolate, but uniquely beautiful part of Scotland that was once the homeland of the Clan Macdonald of Clanranald, Lords of the Isles. Inspired by bards, writers and images of the past, Alasdair Roberts has collected and revitalised a huge number of traditional tales which transport the reader to the heart of this remote and beguiling landscape. "Tales of the Morar Highlands" is a book packed with extraordinary incident and remarkable characters, from mysterious loch monsters and fugitive princes to lords, priests and smugglers, as well as the ordinary people who have made this fascinating part of Scotland their home for thousands of years.

Why does it appear in the Clan Donald Bookshop? In the words of the author ...

"He's writing a history of Morar," said a neighbour to his sister, and it brought me up short. I do write Highland history but wasn't thinking of the book in that way at all. It certainly doesn't start or finish that way, but the middle chapters - well perhaps. Now that the writing is over I see there is a wandering feel to it which matches the terrain, but one thing leads to another. I decided early on that there would have to be an index for keeping track of places and people, many of them called MacDonald. . .

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