The Clan Donald Book Shop in
Association With Amazon
Title |
Celebration of Clan Donald of Colonsay (1570-1647)
Author |
Kevin Byrne |
Details |
Soft Cover. House of Lochar
Publishers, 240 pages |
1899863192 |
Comment: A very detailed
but eminently readable life of
Coll Ciotach Macdonald of Colonsay.
Raghnall Macille Dhuibh, in "The
"Tha e furasta ge-ta taobhan a ghabhail nuair thigear gu cogaidhean
an ama sin, agus tha e cudromach a bhith a' cuimhneachadh nach robh
an t-urram agus am fulang uile air aon taobh na sgeulachd. Aon rud
luachmhor tha Byrne a' toirt dhuinn se leabhar-latha an Urr. John
Weir, a ghabhadh 'na phriosanach aig Alastair mac Colla 's a dh'eug
fo smachd.
Tha eilean Cholbhasa aig teas meadhain sgeul Cholla Chiotaich, agus
tha e air feumail gur ann an Colbhasa tha an t-ughdar a' fuireach.
Cha leig mi ach aon ghnust mun leabhar: rinn Byrne feum mor de
phaipear "Colla Ciotach", le fear Ronald Black ... ach
dhiochuimhnich e sin innse dhan luchd-leughaidh" -
The Ileach
"... a book that sends the interested reader scurrying to other
books to follow up leads that he has laid. ... it is years since I
read an history book which so encouraged me to follow up so many
references, as a good history book should.... The book is well
produced and well organised, with a good summary of the contents of
each chapter so that you do not need to search too far to find what
the author has to say on a particular event or personality. It is
well provided with maps, genealogical tables and appendices as well
as a bibliography. It is a substantial contribution to the
historiography of Argyll and of the great political and religious
struggles of the seventeenth century. No household in Islay, Jura or
Colonsay should be without it."